66/365: Pen and Paper
67/365: Soup Cans
This picture is from the Moma. A couple of my friends and I went to see one of the exhibits there about Andy Warhol and I thought this made for an interesting pic!
68/365: Corks
69/365: MK Michael Kors
70/365: Time Out.
Whenever it rains I always take off my shoes and wrap up the umbrella in the same spot right next to my door. Looking back at this picture, it looks like they are in time out in the corner.
71/365: Traffic Blur
There is a photographer named Trever Hoehne that I stumbled upon one day who has a series of pictures titled "Blurry Things." I really enjoy his pictures, and took one similar on my walk home from work.
I think a series of these grouped together on a wall could look really interesting.
72/365: Forks
We can also refer to this as "Oh sh&^t, it's time for bed and I haven't taken a picture yet today."
73/365: {W}aves
Awhile back, I bought a Groupon for a fabulous deal at the W hotel downtown. This is a picture of the bar inside where we ate. It was quite a trip.
74/375: Pictures of Yellow Taxis make me happy.