April 3, 2011

75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82/365

75/365: Manhattan Portage

76/365: The Highline.
This really is one of my favorite places in the city.  

77/365: Bulls Eye

78/364: Bottle's empty
This is a picture of this inside of my wine bottle, which I pointed it towards the light.

79/365: Thank you Merci!
So, I took this picture with my iPhone, and I didn't realize that it came out blurry until I looked at it on the computer...one of the drawbacks of looking at pictures on a little screen.  Regardless, I really like the photo, so I turned it into black and white and added some texture to it.

80/365: Grand Central
There is an app on my phone called 100 cameras - which I love.  This is one of the effects that it has and I think with the lights coming off of Grand Central, it came out pretty cool.

81/365: Do people still use these?
This is in the subway station that I take everyday to and from work, and I always wonder how many people are actually using these.

82/365: Beauty
I love pictures of the sky. This was taken from my NJ transit train. My favorite part is the streaks from the planes on the right side.

So, I'm getting there. I have about 14 more pictures to post until I'm caught up! Class starts in a few days!! 

Now that it's finally getting nicer outside, I should be able to take some nicer pictures that don't include things that are found in my apartment. 

