January 11, 2011

16 & 17/365: Verizon iPhone!!!

The Verizon iPhone really has nothing to do with my pictures, but I have been waiting for this news since they first came out with an iPhone in 2007.  I am so excited today!!

16/365: Hello NJ
Christen and I went to the High Line park last night.  This is one of my favorite places in the city...it's so unique.  I wanted to get down by the water to take some photos of New Jersey across the river - except it was f.r.e.e.z.i.n.g.  I was picturing one of these types of night photos {except of NJ, not NY}.  I do really like the result, even though it's not exactly the shot I was anticipating.  (If you click on a picture, it will open up larger in a new window.)

17/365: Trying to catch water
I spent about an hour trying to get a good picture of a water droplet.  It is extremely difficult. I used my new tripod :) to try to steady the camera at just the right angle and hold it still enough to capture a droplet.  I easily took 50 pictures trying to get one just right.  Here's the best I got tonight.  I don't love it, but I think it was a solid attempt. 


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