June 23, 2011

Stationery card

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April 24, 2011

NYU class

As you know I have been taking my NYU class for three weeks now.  We just starting posting pictures up onto a Flicker account for the class.  You can see what type of portraits I've been taking by looking in the Jessica folders.

So far I posted my "homework" for two of the classes {Class 1 and Class 2}. Basically we spend most of the time taking pictures of each other (I haven't had to be a model yet, but I just KNOW it's coming soon).  We learn about different lighting set ups and how to work with clients on shoots.  Homework consists of going through all of your pictures from class and bringing in your best ones.  We project them up on a large screen in the classroom.  They can be edited - which I feel like is cheating.  But to be honest some of mine still need it, so I guess it's a good thing.

I've been spending some quality time in Manual (yes, it's scary). But I already feel like I know my camera much better than I did a month ago.  Keep in mind I have been shooting with this camera for about 2 years now so really, it's about freaking time.  It's just so hard to read through a manual and understand what they are talking about.  It's nice to have someone there to look at a picture and tell me what to adjust to make it better.

All in all - I'm getting a lot out of this class. Especially some of the information about using inexpensive lighting equipment to get dramatically better pictures.


83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88/365

Hello.  Here are a few pics for tonight.  

83/365: Chuck
Look at those puppy-dog eyes.  When I took this picture, the whole area around his eyes were black, so I selected it in photoshop and lightened them.  This is what I ended up with.  I've noticed that pictures are pretty amazing like that.  When you get dark shadows, it doesn't mean that the camera didn't take the detail that you wanted it to, it's just hiding in there.  Also, if I've learned one thing in this class so far - your on-camera flash (99% of the time) is a NO NO.

84/365: The Shining?
So, my Nana lives in a retirement community building and these are what the halls look like.  Usually they aren't so creepy...but can't you just see those two little girls standing at the end of this hallway???

85/365: 3rd Av
Still loving those water towers.

86/365: Sprinkles
Right now I am loving keeping all of my cooking supplies in mason jars.  My sprinkles fit into a cute little one :)

87/365: Rainy Block

88/365: Church
I was walking to a bar down near Flatiron and walked past this old stone church.  It just looks like it doesn't belong in NY.


April 3, 2011

75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82/365

75/365: Manhattan Portage

76/365: The Highline.
This really is one of my favorite places in the city.  

77/365: Bulls Eye

78/364: Bottle's empty
This is a picture of this inside of my wine bottle, which I pointed it towards the light.

79/365: Thank you Merci!
So, I took this picture with my iPhone, and I didn't realize that it came out blurry until I looked at it on the computer...one of the drawbacks of looking at pictures on a little screen.  Regardless, I really like the photo, so I turned it into black and white and added some texture to it.

80/365: Grand Central
There is an app on my phone called 100 cameras - which I love.  This is one of the effects that it has and I think with the lights coming off of Grand Central, it came out pretty cool.

81/365: Do people still use these?
This is in the subway station that I take everyday to and from work, and I always wonder how many people are actually using these.

82/365: Beauty
I love pictures of the sky. This was taken from my NJ transit train. My favorite part is the streaks from the planes on the right side.

So, I'm getting there. I have about 14 more pictures to post until I'm caught up! Class starts in a few days!! 

Now that it's finally getting nicer outside, I should be able to take some nicer pictures that don't include things that are found in my apartment. 



March 28, 2011


So, I'm still slightly uninspired in my picture a day. It's tough. And now that I have this backlog of pictures to sort through it's even more overwhelming.  If I didn't just start a new job I might take off a day from work and have a picture day. But I can't.

For now, here are some pictures that I took with my Histogram app.  I have just discovered that I can buy additional lenses...and film...and flashes...
I'm LOVING this app!
and I love my iPhone!!


ps. I start my NYU class next Wednesday!! I'm getting excited. 

March 13, 2011

66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74/365

I'm still behind on posting pictures, but here is a nice group of them that I went through tonight.  I have to admit that right about now I'm feeling a little unmotivated and kind of "over" this project.  At first it was really nice because I was exploring the area around where I live and work and now after 74 days of this project I feel like I've run out of photo ops available in my daily routine.  I think I'm primarily feeling like this because of the new job.  I am just mentally drained from everything I have been learning and taking my daily picture is a little bit like a chore...except on the weekends when I can spend a good amount of time outside taking pictures.  Hopefully my class will relieve some of the monotony and get me to a different area of the city to get new perspective.

66/365: Pen and Paper

67/365: Soup Cans
This picture is from the Moma.  A couple of my friends and I went to see one of the exhibits there about Andy Warhol and I thought this made for an interesting pic!

68/365: Corks

69/365: MK Michael Kors

70/365: Time Out.
Whenever it rains I always take off my shoes and wrap up the umbrella in the same spot right next to my door.  Looking back at this picture, it looks like they are in time out in the corner.

71/365: Traffic Blur
There is a photographer named Trever Hoehne that I stumbled upon one day who has a series of pictures titled "Blurry Things." I really enjoy his pictures, and took one similar on my walk home from work.
I think a series of these grouped together on a wall could look really interesting.  

72/365: Forks
We can also refer to this as "Oh sh&^t, it's time for bed and I haven't taken a picture yet today."

73/365: {W}aves
Awhile back, I bought a Groupon for a fabulous deal at the W hotel downtown.  This is a picture of the bar inside where we ate.  It was quite a trip. 

74/375: Pictures of Yellow Taxis make me happy.

One day soon I'll be caught up!

March 6, 2011


Here are a few pics...I'm still a little behind in posting them :)

59/365: More house decorations


60/365: Magazines on the Coffee Table

 61/365: Flags in Rock Center
Even though this picture is blurry, I still like it.  I took it with the Histomatic app on my phone. It was a really windy night, and I think the blurry-ness really just adds the motion of the flags to the picture.  I also like this one because the light is shining through.

 62/365: Bent
I really like this picture.  We were walking through Central Park, and the fence just caught my eye.

63/365: Take Flight
This...I love.  It almost feels like it's not even in the city.  This pic was taken at the park by my apartment.  It's on the East River, and I got some really nice shots while we were there.  The weather was really nice, and the seagulls were out.  I like the rust on the railing, I think it adds some character.

64/365: Vino?
This is our soap dispenser in the kitchen.   <3 him

 65/365: Fountain
I took this on my way home from work with my iPhone.  I might have to go back to try and grab a better picture with a better camera - but I love the composition.

That's all for tonight. I'll post the rest soon.


February 22, 2011

53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58

Hi. I know it's been awhile.  I have been busy, though. I got a new job and it starts tomorrow!  

53/365: I wish I was out there...
This is the view outside the window from my old job. The sky was so blue.  This picture just makes me want to go play outside in the city. 

54/365: BDFM
Christen suggested I take this as my picture of the day.  I used my Hipstamatic app, and I think it came out pretty good. I like that light glowing from down there.

55/365: New Jersey Sky
I snapped this shot as I got off the train at home in New Jersey and processed it in an app called Instagram.  This might be my favorite picture from the week. 

56/365: Saturday night wine

57/365: Charley

58/365:  New Rain Boots!
I finally purchased new rain boots, since my polka dot ones failed me.

59/365: Me.
I had the day off before starting my new job, so while I was home today I caught some of that great sunlight we get around 1-2 in the afternoon.  I set up the tripod and used my remote to take some self portraits.  I have a terrible fake smile, so I picked one where I am not looking and only kind of smiling.  I'm getting excited for my class in a few months, and I feel like I need to work more on taking people pictures.


February 15, 2011

48, 49, 50, 51, 52/365

Happy {day after} Valentine's Day everyone!

48/365: iPhoneography Planner
If I were going to create a "my favorite things" list, Moleskin notebooks would definitely be on it!  As I have probably mentioned, I am somewhat obsessed with all things stationery and office supply related.  Moleskin notebooks just make me happy. When I discovered their planners two years ago, I wondered how I ever lived without them.  As much as a technology "early adopter" as I am {Phil Dunphy anyone?}...there is something about writing down plans and lists and reminders that makes me just really happy inside.  

49/365: Balls
From my new shelving unit.   :)
I like the way this looks with the shadow...and how it's super crisp on the top and bottom.

50/365: Broccoli!
So... photography-wise this was kind of funny.  I took like 15 pictures of this broccoli trying to get the lighting right.  I may have mentioned five or ten times how bad the lighting is in my apartment and it makes taking indoor shots a nightmare. The flash on the camera is often too bright to be useful for close-up indoor pictures...so I improvised by placing a white piece of paper on the flash.  This lit up the frame just enough to get a decent amount of light on the plate so I could polish it up in photoshop.  I think this is what I need.

 51/365: MetLife
On my way home from work on Monday I stopped by the Grand Central Market to pick up some fresh food for dinner.  The sky has been beautifully blue the last two days, so I stopped to take a picture of the MetLife building against the darkening sky.  I couldn't hold the camera still enough to get a sharp shot, so I leaned my arm against the wall of another building.  When I looked in the viewfinder I happened to see the reflection and loved it.

52/365: Billy Elliot Blue
The blue sky really got me again tonight, so I snapped a few shots before getting on the subway after work.  It's always so nice because I walk west when I leave work, so I can see the different colors from the sun setting. I tried to get all the shades of blue sky in the frame, but I had to hold the camera in a weird direction.  It turns out I liked this angle the best!

That's all for tonight.