February 5, 2011

39, 40, 41/365

39/365: A Rainy-Icy Morning
On our way to work Wednesday morning, Jaime spotted this bike covered in ice and suggested I take it for my picture that day.  It was more than a little challenging because there were people trying to pass us on the sidewalk {which was a sheet of ice, half blocked my snow and half blocked by garbage - which you can actually see in the upper left hand side of the picture}. Jaime had to hold my umbrella over my head while I tried to crouch down to actually get the picture at this angle AND all the while trying to keep the camera dry.  This resulted in only two pictures - neither of which I loved. 
The reason I'm not really happy with this picture is the focus.  If you enlarge it, you can see that the icicles on the upper right hand corner are in focus, which is not what I was trying to do.  I don't know what it is about my camera {probably the fact that after 2+ years I still don't really know how to use it} but I have the hardest time trying to get it to understand what I want it to focus on.  Hopefully, my class this semester will solve my focusing communication problem with the Nikon.

40/365: Alice?
Thursday I was feeling really sick, so I stayed home from work.  I slept for a good part of the day, and was definitely not in the picture taking mood.  Right before bed I was all "S&^%, Jaime I need to take a picture!"  Are you allowed to curse on blogs?... Anyway, I took the camera and the first thing I saw was the doorknob on the front door. At the time I thought it was terrible, but now that I processed it in black and white I LOVE it. When I saw the finished image on a big computer screen I immediately thought of Alice in Wonderland, and to be honest I didn't really know why.....until I googled Alice in Wonderland door knob. It made me love the picture even more.

41/365: Tourist
This picture is pretty tourist-y but I don't care. I couldn't decide whether I liked it better in color or b+w, so I posted both.  The color in the sky last night was a really intense blue {no processing - this is the image that came right out of my camera} you also get to see the colors of the Empire State Building...but for some reason I also really liked the b+w.  What do you think?

February 1, 2011

37, 38/365

37/365: At the tip of my fingers
...well, not my fingers, Jaime's.  I did some edits in photoshop to turn this b+w and it ended up grainy... I don't know why.  Also, as I'm writing this I noticed that Jaime looks like he's giving me the finger a little with the left hand.  Maybe he is subconsciously telling me that he's tired of me taking pictures of him for my 365 project? Who knows. 

38/365: I love to read
I didn't bring my camera to work today and I had trouble finding something to take a picture of in the apartment.  I remembered a picture like this that I saw on flickr, and thought it was a great idea.  I took a bunch of pictures of the book like this, and I decided that I really liked the one where I put the focus on the inside of the pages.  At first glance it's a little dreamy/blurry looking, but if you look hard you can see some of the words on the inside in focus. 

{If you're wondering...this was the last book that I was reading before I moved last year, but never finished it.  It's called the Happiness Project, and what I did read I really enjoyed.}

At some point this past weekend I was playing on the computer and came across a YouTube video for a flash mob wedding.  It was kind of weird because they get married in a mall {Robin Sparkles anyone...?}.  I don't know why I love flash mobs, but this makes me happy.

Goodnight xoxo

January 30, 2011

33, 34, 35, 36/365

I have four days of pictures to post, but I'm pretty tired tonight so this post will be short.

33/365: Snowy Street

34/365: Wine and Chocolate
Two of my favorite things :)

35/365: Washington Square Park

 36/365: Abstract
 This is a picture of a wall that Jaime and I found today near our apartment.  I manually {un}focused the camera.  This really looks like a painting.  I think it would be a fun print to frame.
