April 24, 2011

NYU class

As you know I have been taking my NYU class for three weeks now.  We just starting posting pictures up onto a Flicker account for the class.  You can see what type of portraits I've been taking by looking in the Jessica folders.

So far I posted my "homework" for two of the classes {Class 1 and Class 2}. Basically we spend most of the time taking pictures of each other (I haven't had to be a model yet, but I just KNOW it's coming soon).  We learn about different lighting set ups and how to work with clients on shoots.  Homework consists of going through all of your pictures from class and bringing in your best ones.  We project them up on a large screen in the classroom.  They can be edited - which I feel like is cheating.  But to be honest some of mine still need it, so I guess it's a good thing.

I've been spending some quality time in Manual (yes, it's scary). But I already feel like I know my camera much better than I did a month ago.  Keep in mind I have been shooting with this camera for about 2 years now so really, it's about freaking time.  It's just so hard to read through a manual and understand what they are talking about.  It's nice to have someone there to look at a picture and tell me what to adjust to make it better.

All in all - I'm getting a lot out of this class. Especially some of the information about using inexpensive lighting equipment to get dramatically better pictures.



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